The Parish Council, formed in May 2015, elected for a period of 4 years. The last election was May 2021 at which our councillors were elected, unopposed.
Our Councillors work to represent the interests of Berryfields Parish and its residents. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month with the exception of August and December at 7.30pm in the Roman Park Hall.
The PC is gradually taking over play areas and amenity land in Berryfields which will ensure it is effectively managed and maintained in good condition for the benefit of all as well as some dog waste and litter bins. These include Berryfields Green, Marston Brook, Marston Green, Land at Bramley Road, Roman Park, Gateway Park. All public land areas will, eventually, be transferred to the Parish Council who will manage and maintain them.
Please get in touch if there is anything we can do to help - we are always delighted to hear from Parishioners, if we can't help we will put you in touch with the appropriate Authority or department.
The Council holds the General Power of Competence since it has a qualified Parish Clerk and Deputy Clerk as well as the required number of elected councillors. This allows it the freedom to act, as an individual could, within the law, for the benefit of residents, subject to no other Authority having a specific Power (such as Highways, Education, Health and so on).