From nursery swings to zipwires, trampolines and multi-use games areas, and a fully accessible playground at Glenton Green, Berryfields offers significant play and development opportunities for children and young people of all ages and abilities. May we please ask that you keep dogs away from play areas, use the bins provided or take your litter home. The Parish Council manages all playgrounds and they are inspected for safety fortnightly in winter and weekly in the summer months. Our land contractors manage grass cutting and maintenance; the emptying of litter and dog waste bins in the parks is contracted to Buckinghamshire Council.

Details of the parks are listed below.

Roman Park Play Area 1.jpg

Roman Park Play Area
Excalibur Road
HP19 8SN
Google Maps

Gateway Park

Gateway Park Play Area
Off Barland Way
HP18 0UZ
Google Maps

Berryfields Green Park

Berryfields Green Play Area and MUGA
Russet Street
HP18 0GN
Google Maps

Mayberry Place Park

Mayberry Place Play Area

off Kentish Sreet
HP18 1AA
Google Maps

Marston Brook Park

Marston Brook Play Area
corner Oxground and Wyatt Way
Google Maps

Marston Green Park

Marston Green Play Area and MUGA
Noble Crescent
HP18 0WR
Google Maps

Barley Fields Park

Barley Fields Play Area
off Laxton Road
HP18 0NL
Google Maps

Ridgeline Park

Ridgeline Park Play Area
off Newton Avenue
HP18 0BN
Google Maps

Hardwick Brook North Park

Hardwick Brook North Play Area
D'Arcy Close
HP18 0JP
Google Maps

Glenton Green Park

Glenton Green Fully Accessible Playground
HP18 0WB
Google Maps

Melba Street Park

Melba Street Play Area
HP18 0RE
Google Maps

Valerie Way 1.jpgValerie Way Play Area
Valerie Way
HP18 1AU
Google Maps

Pippin Road Park

Pippin Road Play Area
HP18 0WB
Google Maps